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MBP Blood Drive 2021!

The MBP Community Outreach Committee is hosting a virtual Blood Drive!

Donate blood at any Canadian Blood Services location between February 1 and April 30, 2021. By linking our Partner for Life (PFL) code to your blood.ca account, your donation will count towards our Virtual Blood Drive.

Anyone who donates blood using our PFL code will be entered into a lottery to win a $50 gift card of choice (two gift cards available to be won).

Instructions for participating in the Community Outreach Committee’s Virtual Blood Drive:

  1. Go to blood.ca.
  2. Sign in or create an account.
  3. Find the “Partners” tab in the menu on the left side of your screen, and click on it.
  4. Enter the following code into the search bar: MBPC907672.
  5. Click “Join.”

That’s it! Just schedule a donation at your convenience.

Thank you for participating in this initiative!