Cancer Patient Experience Seminar Series



The Cancer Patient Experience Seminar Series aims to provide a patient perspective to graduate student’s education by inviting cancer survivors to share their experiences through diagnosis, treatment and recovery.


What is the purpose of this program?

Traditional scientific research is usually narrowly focused on specific mechanisms or questions that fit into the broader picture of the disease. This program aims to expose and educate graduate students on the patient experience, from diagnosis, treatment and beyond. It also offers an opportunity for community members to share their perspectives on healthcare and research directly to trainees and students.

What is a typical structure of a seminar?

Currently, this seminar series is hosted virtually on Zoom. To begin the host, a graduate student from the Department of Medical Biophysics, will introduces the speaker(s). For 20-30 minutes, the speaker informally shares their experiences. Common topics include their diagnosis and treatment journey, oncologists/care team and future endeavors. Previous speakers have also provided visuals for their story. Following the presentation, the host mediates a question-and-answer period.

How do I attend an event?

These seminars occur every month on Thursdays at 4pm. Sign-up sheets for these events are included in the MBP Newsletter so please keep a look out for them! A Zoom link will be sent to all attendees the week of the seminar.

How do I provide a connection or suggestion for the seminar series?

If you have a connection to a patient advocacy group or individual who is experienced speaking about their disease and would like to provide their information to MBP’s outreach committee please contact us at