Updates, opinion pieces, and news related to the department

Productivity Peak: New Beginnings

I'll be honest: I hate the term BLOG.

The word BLOG arose from a mashup of the words WEB and LOG ?

It's ancient, unelegant, sounds cacophonous, and looks just downright ugly.

With that being said...


My name is Firas Moosvi and I'm an MBP Blogger for 2010 ! (P.S. Happy New Year)...

What will I be writing about? Well, I'm a big technology geek and love to talk about ways of enhancing your productivity using technology. One could argue that people like me - those that look too hard at ways of becoming productive - will likely never achieve that goal. And to those I say: "You're probably right."

My first feature post will be entitled: 'Paper Lab Notebooks: The end of an era.'

Sound boring? Don't worry, I'll be doing something cool after my posts that should keep you coming back for more, month after month. This feature will be called: "Fails of the Month"....  Here's a sneak peek:

Fail of the month:

This is the apparatus that a collaborator and I designed and built a few weeks ago. It is the central component to my project and my timely graduation (what does that even mean around here?) hinges upon its' success:


Well this is what my supervisor had to say about it:



See you in a couple of weeks!!


Firas Moosviproductivity